An explication of Interval Based Temporal Logic, Including definitions of the inclusion ⊑ and overlap relations OV for first order temporal logic, the definition of point intervals, the distinction between strict and non-strict semantics, the 13 Allen Relations, the 12 Halpern Shoham Modal operators, as well as which modal axioms can be used with which modal operators.
Information for this video gathered from The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy and more!
Information for this video gathered from The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy and more!
Interval Based Temporal Logic (HS Notation)
PhilosophyCarneadesCarneades.orgIntervalInstantTemporal LogicTimeLogicTime logicInclusionSquare subsetOverlapHalpernShohamHS NotationModal operatorModal LogicStrict SemanticsNon-Strict SemanticsAllen RelationBeforeLaterAfterContainsMeetsMet by⟨L⟩⟨A⟩[B]{mi}3 months of modal logicInterval based logicHalpern-ShohamHSDuringbeginsendspoint intervalpi