Kareena Kapoor Khan turned showstopper for ace designer Monisha Jaising on the last day of LFW W/F '18. We caught up with the actor and she spoke to us about her first ever makeup collection that she has launched with Lakme Absolute. She also talked to us about the inspiration behind the collection and what she likes about walking the runways. Watch the video for more!
#Beauty #BeautySecrets #BeautyChat #BeautyTalk #BeautyTips #MakeupTips #LFW2018 #LakméFashionWeek2018 #KareenaKapoorKhan #BeBeautiful
0:00 How does Kareena Kapoor Khan define diva in one word
0:09 Fearless red or angel pink Kareena Kapoor Khan's favourite
0:13 Liquid eyeliners or pencil eyeliners
0:17 Kareena Kapoor Khan's favourite part about walking on the run way
0:29 Most classical makeup trend of all time
0:34 A style icon Kareena Kapoor Khan can take expression from
0:39 One thing Kareena Kapoor Khan kept in mind while creating a collection
1:06 Does Kareena Kapoor Khan aspire to launch her own makeup line
1:13 Kareena Kapoor Khan's earliest memory of makeup
1:20 What designer is Kareena Kapoor Khan wearing for tonight
1:23 What does Kareena Kapoor Khan like about the outfit she is wearing tonight
1:31 Kareena Kapoor Khan's take on inclusivity when it comes to fashion
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For other makeup queries like how to choose foundation, types of foundation, foundation for skin types, and foundation tips for beginners, do visit our BeBEAUTIFUL website. .
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