This video is made to highlight few of the problems i observed in triumph speed 400 my25. Some of the points are nit picking.
This video is not made for the purpose of defaming Triumph brand. These are my personal opinion.
Triumph speed 400 problems
Triumph speed 400 issues
Triumph speed 400 my25 problems
Triumph speed 400 my25 issues
Triumph speed 400 cons
#triumphspeed400 #triumph #triumphscrambler #bike #harleydavidsonx440 #triumphscrambler400x #trending #triumphmotorcycles #heromotocorp
@mamotomans95 @MotorHead-Shinjan @motorinc @BikerNiladri @ABhi2biker @happybikeguru3824 @BikesandBeards @autoyogiofficial @autocritic @autocarindia1
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