The Congregation of the Mission, animated by the superior General, Tomaž Mavrič, CM, has embarked on a journey toward a renewed culture of vocation. This journey is rooted in the heart of the New Evangelization and is essential to our missionary vocation to follow Jesus Christ, evangelizing the poor.
This journey is an attempt to revitalize the patrimony that Vincent de Paul has passed on to us and to do so, as Pope Francis explained, through means of the three dimensions that are found in every authentic culture: An authentic culture has three languages: the language of the head (intellectual), the language of the heart (sensitivity), and the language of the hands (praxis) ... the challenge is to harmonize these languages, that is, to understand what one feels and does, to feel what one thinks and does and to do what one thinks and feels (Dios es Joven [God is youthful], Pope Francis is interviewed by Thomas Leoncini, p. 113).
Mindful of this threefold dimension (which is also valid in the field of communication) we want to contribute to this new Vincentian Culture of Vocations and so we present this video.
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