Common cold, allergies, flu and covid 19 all of them can have some similarities, but resolution and complications are very different. That’s why we will focus how to differentiate Common cold, flue covid 19 and allergies from each other.
First important symptom is Fever:
Covid 19 commonly have fever, temperature is higher then 100 Fahrenheit or 37.7 degree Celsius and higher. Fever lasts for several days.
Fever is also Common For flu. In case of flu fever lasts for 3-4 days.
Common cold may have fever also but its rare.
For Allergy, fever is not common.
Covid 19 sometimes may have headache.
For flu its very common.
For common cold and allergy its rare.
Fatigue, extreme tiredness.
During Covid 19 fatigue can progress over time.
While during flu fatigue starts very early.
For common cold and allergy fatigue is not common.
Aches and Pains.
For example muscle pains.
Sometimes for covid 19.
It very common for flu,
And less common for cold uncommon for the allergy.
Runny nose or stuffy nose, is not common symptom for covid. Sometimes for flu. And very common for cold and allergy.
Sore throat.
Rare for covid 19. Common, for flu. Sore throat is common also for common cold. And uncommon for allergy.
Cough: is very common for both Covid 19 and flu.
Mild cough is also common for common cold.
But rare for allergy.
Shortness of breath.
In serious cases its common for COVID 19, rare in case of flu and common cold. And common for allergy.
Average recovery period.
For covid 19 recovery period is around 10 days. around Same for flu. And 3-7 days for common cold.
Flu vs COVID-19 vs Common
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