In this video I'll show you how to use Combo Boxes with TTKBootstrap, Tkinter, and Python.
I'll show you how to use Comboboxes with TTKBootstrap using both a button, and binding.
We'll create a combo box of days of the week, and when a day is selected, we'll update the text in a label to reflect that.
#tkinter #codemy #JohnElder
0:00 - Introduction
2:22 - Create A Label
2:51 - Create Combobox Options
3:26 - Create A TTKBootstrap Combobox
4:25 - Set Combobox Default Item
5:07 - Create A Button
5:50 - Create A Function To Update Label
6:33 - Bind The ComboBox
7:44 - Create Binding Function
8:53 - Conclusion
ComboBoxes and Bindings - Tkinter TTKBootstrap 5
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