the launch of one of the most awaited documentary films in Bengaluru, "The Project Tiger", a feature-length documentary by Nature inFocus, The film will be premiered in Bengaluru on 4th Nov 2023 at Marakata, Chamara Vajra, Jayamahal Palace, Bengaluru that shares the extraordinary untold story of India’s audacious mission to save a global icon from extinction.
India’s flagship “Project Tiger” is the largest and most ambitious conservation project in history and its success is celebrated around the world, but until now, the full story of this remarkable achievement has remained out of the public eye.
Created to mark the 50th anniversary of “Project Tiger”, this feature-length documentary led by Rohit Varma and Kalyan Varma, Filmmakers, Nature inFocus, plays like a mystery thriller, full of scandal, intrigue, and political and social conflict that goes to the heart of India’s great democracy. This is a story of Indian conservation told by Indian people, in a country where their deep-rooted connection with nature has manifested into a single movement.
Please let me know would be keen to speak to Rohit Varma & Kalyan Varma, Filmmakers, Nature inFocus, on how this film is a testament to the legacy of India, a narrative that instills a sense of national pride with the profound connection between humanity and wilderness.
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