This Sony XBR 55X930D has no power so we changed out the Main Board. We purchased the board off Ebay for around $120.00, swapped out the boards, plugged in the TV and... we got Power!!
*Disclaimer: I am not a licensed electrician or professional repair person. 4K Tech is not responsible for any damage, misunderstanding or injury that may occur from this video. Always consult the manufacturer or any manual before taking on a project like this. Your safety is important to us! This video is for information purposes only.
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Sony XBR 55X930D No Power Fix
Sony XBR55X930Dsony xbr55x93dsony tvfix sony tvfix sony xbrno power xbrno power sonyno power sony tvno power xbr tvno power sony tv xbrfix xbr tvxbr tvsony xbrsony xbr tv4ktechtampatectampatecsony xbr no powersony tv no powerrepair sony tvrepair sony xbrno videosony xbr no videodiy sony tvrepair sony xbr55x93drepair sony xbr tv55 sony55 sony tvfix 55 sonyfix 55 sony tvrepair 55 sonyrepair 55 sony xbrsony