琴譜/Sheet Music: [ Ссылка ]
難度/Difficulty: 6/10
((Below in English))
作為千禧年代嘅其中一首經典,應該好多人都聽過,甚至一聽到開頭個piano 獨奏就認得出呢首歌。所以我除咗keep 哂個opening 之外,first verse 都盡量用同一個伴奏型,並喺右手加音。
另外一個麻煩處係點樣決定首歌嘅高潮位。原曲個配器由頭到尾都較為soft,包括final chorus。作為一首K歌,易唱同順口係首要。最後我選擇bridge 同final chorus 都用32分音符伴奏。但係用法稍有不同,尤其bridge 尾段嘅 diminished chord 嗰度算係全首歌唯一可用盡鋼琴full range 嘅地方。
A classic from the early 2000s. Many Hong Kongers should've heard this, or even recognize it from its signature piano opening. It's so iconic that I kept it fully, and extended it further through the first verse as well. So, I used extra notes in the right hand to enrich the harmony instead.
It's quite annoying to find the high points for the purpose of arrangement here. The entire song is quite soft, and almost in need of something more. After all, many songs of this age, including this one, were designed to be easy to the karaoke singers. I ended up showering 32nd notes all over bridge and final chorus, but with different uses. While the final chorus was mainly arpeggiated accompaniments, the bridge took this idea further towards to diminished chord near its end. That might be the only place suitable for using the full range of the keyboard in the entire song.
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