"Ice Cavern" theme taken from the 2022 "Spyro" album release.
This version of the track differs quite a bit from what is heard in-game for unknown reasons. It's unclear what the intended purpose of this track was - whether it was some sort of unfinished remix or an early version of the track, we really can't know for certain - but there's probably not much else it can be. If it is truly an early mix, it was very likely never implemented into the game, due to its apparent absence from pre-May 15th versions of the game.
The Ice Cavern theme is one of the mono tracks in the final game, but in the June 15th build it's in stereo. This version of the track - and everything else on this album - is in stereo, and has a full CD quality sample rate of 44.1 kHz, as opposed to the 37.8 kHz audio heard in-game.
Notably no track name was included in the track, aside from the level name. When the Ice Cavern theme was uploaded to Stewart Copeland's website in 2008, it was identified by the name "Scary_Flyer" - it's not known if the version on the website was the final theme or if it was the version heard here.
Extra special thanks to Vindico.
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