3.281 Attack Power, 133% Crit Damage, 200 Speed, 248 Accuracy in Lifesteal Gear. The Sky Punishment arrives!
The Gear is - very - mediocre, i know. Plans are to use her in any of my Hydra Teams for the Hex Debuff. Currently finishing her masteries aswell, so she is - not done yet -. Did not find any videos at all after her update for a long time so maybe this video can give you an impression of what she is abled to do if youre in midgame like me, with.. obviously midgame gear. On a personal note: i kinda like her.
This is just a F2P account showcase of what my champions are capable of in their current state. I hope this might give you an impression if you wanna build him yourself or not. If you dislike the champ or what he does, dont dislike the video too please. If you appreciate my efforts i'll be happy about your like!
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