Led connect on 220v ac:
components needed.
1) Led
2) 1n4007 diode
3) 56k resistor
Script of video:
In this video i am going to show you that how you can connect 3volt dc led to 220volt ac using resistor or diode.
How to derive led on 220v ac.
How to connect led directly to ac voltages
Connect 3volt led to to high ac voltages.
#electronics #led #viral
How to connect Led to 220v Ac | #led
how to connect led light to 220v ac3v led directly with 220v acconnect led to 230vhow to connect 3v led to 220v acled directly with 220v achow to connect led to acled light circuits 220v ac3v led on 220vconnect 12v led to 220vhow to connect led to ac currentled 220vhow to connect 12v led to 220v acled with 220v achow to connect 3v led light to 220v acled ac circuitled220v ac to 3v led lightsingle led on ac