What was your favorite Nintendo game of 2024? This week on Nintendo Voice Chat, join Logan Plant, Reb Valentine, Jada Griffin, and Brian Altano as they discuss IGN’s pick for the Best Nintendo Game of 2024 and share their own personal favorite Switch games of the year. Plus, the recent batch of Switch 2 leaks and rumors may actually be worth paying attention to, and the panel breaks down all of the Switch announcements from last week, including a divisive conversation about the new edgy Pac-Man game.
NVC’s 2024 Nintendo Switch Game of the Year Is… - NVC 740
Nintendo SwitchNintendo Voice ChatNVCbest Nintendo game 2024Nintendo game of the yearbest Switch games 2024Paper Mario TTYDSuper Mario Party JamboreeUnicorn OverlordSwitch 2 leaksSwitch 2 rumorsSwitch 2 accessoriesDbrand Switch 2magnetic Joy-ConOkami sequelNinja Gaiden RageboundSonic Racing CrossworldsShadow LabyrinthStage Fright gameIGNIGN NVCNintendo podcastNintendo game awardstop Nintendo gamesSwitch gaming news