This roaring comedy, penned by Rick Abbot, brings to the forefront the humor, terror, and confusion of staging a classic murder mystery! Come join the desperate director, eccentric playwright, and other colorful characters in the riotous "Play On!"
Cast & Crew
Gerry: Ezra Schoeplein
Aggie: Zora Kwasnik
Louie: Rohan Maletira
Henry: Caleb Bauman
Polly: McKenna Forster
Saul: Max Clark
Billy: Robby Miner
Violet: Erin Ruark
Smitty: Michelle Ascrizzi
Phyllis: Maddie Parsnick
Director: Cody Sevcik
Assistant Director: Chris Wong
Producer: Delaney Leach
Stage Manager: Imad Hijazi
Technical Director: Matt Snell
Production Assistant: Tegan Oppelt
Stagehands: Will McClelland & Ari Richardson
Board Liaison: Sam Allen
Proudly Presented by the RC Players
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