Attend the largest modeling and simulation event in the world... The Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC), promotes cooperation among the Armed Services, Industry, Academia and various Government agencies in pursuit of improved training and education programs, identification of common training issues and development of multiservice programs. There is no better return on investment than the knowledge gained and relationships developed over 4 days at I/ITSEC.
2012 Conference Statistics
Approximately 16,000 total registrants
Included in that total (in round figures) are:
3,300 conference delegates
6,600 exhibit personnel
5,900 exhibit visitors
561 exhibiting companies in 444 exhibits (233,000 NSF)
1,900 International registrants from 75 countries
IITSEC 2013 Trailer
weather simulationconstructive trainingcyber securityserious gamestraining systemmedical simulationdisaster preparednessweapons systems trainingweapons trainingdefense industryvirtual realityNTSAflight simulatormilitary trainingarmymarine trainingmaritime trainingnavygamingI/ITSECclimate changespecial forces trainingvirtual trainingflight trainingmedical training