Četiri nova helikoptera Mi-35M, koje je Srbija kupila od Rusije, stigla su u našu zemlju na aerodrom "Pukovnik Milenko Pavlović" u Batajnici i to pre predviđenog roka. Helikopter Mi-35M je nastao na bazi ruskog borbenog helikoptera Mi-24VM "krokodil" i predstavnik je sovjetske koncepcije jurišnog borbenog helikoptera. U pitanju je tip helikoptera koji do sada nije bio u jedinicama Vojske Srbije, a helikoptere je isporučila ruska kompanija "Rostvertol" iz Rostova na Donu. Novi helikopteri Vojske Srbije H145M i Mi-17, pa i ruski Mi-35M koji su nedavno dopremljeni u zemlju, predstavljeni su u javnosti na aerodromu u Batajnici, u prisustvu predsednika Aleksandra Vučića.
Four new Mi-35M helicopter gunships, which Serbia purchased from Russia, arrived in our country at the Colonel Milenko Pavlovic airport in Batajnica, ahead of schedule. The Mi-35M helicopter was created on the basis of the Russian Mi-24VM "crocodile" fighter helicopter and is a representative of the Soviet concept of an attack fighter helicopter.
It is a type of helicopter that has not been in the units of the Serbian Armed Forces so far, and the helicopters were delivered by the Russian company "Rostvertol" from Rostov-on-Don.
New Serbian Army helicopters H145M and Mi-17, and Russian Mi-35M recently delivered to the country, were presented to the public at Batajnica Airport in the presence of President Aleksandar Vucic.
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