Learn how to create your own trading strategies so you are not reliant on others for information. Learn how you can test out your ideas (or other people's) and then improve on them. See how profitable an idea is...and do it quickly, often within an hour or two. You can then refine it over time as you notice situations where the strategy doesn't seem to work as well, or where it works really well.
Instead of spending hours researching online, quickly create your own strategy which you then verify is profitable.
If you learn this process you can learn how to make any idea (or someone else's strategy) your own, so that you feel confident trading it. You have gone through charts and found ways to make it better, tailored it to how you want to handle certain situations. You know when the strategy works well and under what conditions it doesn't ([ Ссылка ]).
Also, you won't have to constantly ask other people questions about trading. If you can create your own trading strategies, you will have mastered the skill of looking to your stock, forex, futures, or crypto charts for the answers. The charts tell you what you need to know. Hopefully after this video, you have some ideas of what to look for.
Here is also an article on how to create a trading strategy.
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