The week's top cattle industry news includes unbelievable prices for feeder calves at video auctions, expanding export opportunities in Hong Kong, research in cow feed efficiency, advancements in food safety and E. coli detection, ag census data and what one lucky attendee can win at the upcoming National Angus Convention and Trade Show.
The Angus Report, July 7, 2014: Top News
The Angus ReportAngus Reportvideo auctionsvideo cattle marketscattle salesfeeder calvesKurt KangasAmerican Angus Associationbeef exportsHong Kong exportsDan Shikebeef cow efficiencycow feed efficiencyfeed efficiencyfood safetye. coliag censusAgriculture CensusYamahaNational Angus ConventionAngus conventionMerckVitaFermbeef checkoffBQABeef Quality AssuranceCrystal AlbersBob CerveraZoetis