My Man Godfrey is a 1936 American screwball comedy film directed by Gregory La Cava. The screenplay was written by Morrie Ryskind, with uncredited contributions by La Cava, based on "1101 Park Avenue", a short story by Eric Hatch. The story concerns a socialite who hires a derelict to be her family's butler, only to fall in love with him, much to his dismay. The film stars William Powell and Carole Lombard.
My Man Godfrey was nominated for six Academy Awards:
Best Director -- Gregory La Cava
Best Actor -- William Powell
Best Actress -- Carole Lombard
Best Writing, Screenplay -- Eric Hatch and Morrie Ryskind
Best Supporting Actor -- Mischa Auer
Best Supporting Actress -- Alice Brady
My Man Godfrey was the first movie to be nominated in all four acting categories, in the first year that supporting categories were introduced. It's also the only film in Oscar history to receive a nomination in all four acting categories and not be nominated for Best Picture, and the only film to be nominated in these six categories and not receive an award.
In 1999, the film was deemed "culturally significant" by the United States Library of Congress and selected for preservation in the National Film Registry. In 2000, the film was ranked #44 on the American Film Institute's list of the 100 funniest comedies, and Premiere magazine voted it one of "The 50 Greatest Comedies Of All Time" in 2006. It is one of the few movies that hold 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.
Did my best to restore it to a cleaner version with better audio. This is a great movie from the Golden Age. Please Enjoy.
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Audio: 128 Kbps, 48,000 Hz, 32 Bit, Stereo, AAC
Video: 29.970 fps, 640x360 Progressive, YUV, 2 Mbps
Pixel Aspect Ratio: 1.000
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