One of the great features of CFDs [ Ссылка ] is that you are able to trade on both the long and the short side of the market i.e. you can choose to 'long' or 'short' a position - if you are long, you receive dividends and pay interest, if you are short you do the reverse. It is worth noting that commission is paid on either side of the contract and you can close a contract at any time.
This essentially means that with CFDs it is possibl to profit from both bear and bull markets. A long position in contracts for differences mirrors the performance of the underlying asset. Short selling is also very easy to do with a CFD. If you believe a stock or other asset to be overvalued you can take a short trade, and benefit from a fall in the stock price. Short selling may not however be available on all CFDs.
Long position
A long trade opened via a CFD gets the returns of a similar position in the underlying stock or commodity. The trade returns a profit if the stock price rises but suffers a loss if the price slides. A long CFD trade incurse a daily financing charge, if left open overnight.
Short position
Short CFD positions may receive a daily financing interest if interest rates are sufficiently high and not closed out at the end of the trading day. Adjustments from dividends and rights will be debited from your account.
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