Finally opening up about our TTC journey with you guys! We have been on this journey for the past 1-2 years, and TTC is not for the faint of heart. It can be exhausting dealing with infertility struggles, but just know its so common (unfortunately) and so many people can relate to you. Just wanted to open up the conversation about TTC to help others feel less alone and let you in on our life. I'm excited to catch up with you guys again I've been pretty MIA the past couple years!
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Tiktok: @tayterrell_
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Natural Cycle Tracker, birth control: Daysy Fertility Tracker
Opening Up About Our TTC Journey
opening up about our ttc journeytrying to concieve journeyTTC strugglesInfertility strugglesInfertility storyTTC first babyour TTC storyour ttc journeyopening up abbout our ttc journeytrying to conceive journeyinfertility story timemy infertility storyour infertility storyttc journey first babyopening up about our ttc jouney