While the title may be somewhat misleading the end results will match the title. I am using an Atlas 10" lathe extension bed which Atlas offered and adding a pair of my castings to produce what will hopefully be a precision bench center. I also have an idea for another use which I will share when completed. I hope you find the information usefull.
More about us here [ Ссылка ]
Below are links to a few of the items I use in the shop, any links which are not directly to our website such as Amazon links provide us with a small commision which helps support the channel:
Barrina led lights [ Ссылка ]
Noga indicator base [ Ссылка ]
Vactra way oil (if you feel you have to have it) [ Ссылка ]
South Bend How To Run A Lathe Manual: [ Ссылка ]
AXA Quick Change Tool Post: [ Ссылка ]
Below are products which we build and offer thru our website.
Atlas 10" Lathe Index Pin [ Ссылка ]
Atlas Lathe Tailstock Oil Dropper [ Ссылка ]
Atlas 10" Lathe Guard Knob [ Ссылка ]
Atlas Handwheel Handle [ Ссылка ]
Atlas Tailstock Locknut Handle [ Ссылка ]
Atlas Milling Machine Lock Handle [ Ссылка ]
Please bear in mind that these are my opinions and the techniques I have chosen to use in my shop for my projects. You are responsible for your own choices and I take no responsibility for how you might use any information presented here.
Atlas Precision Bench Centers
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