Watch the iconic ultimate scene from Bebbuli featuring the powerhouse performances of Krishnam Raju and Rao Gopal Rao. In this electrifying moment, both actors bring intense emotion and gripping action, elevating the drama to new heights. This unforgettable scene from the movie showcases their unmatched screen presence and acting skills. A must-watch for fans of Telugu cinema!
#teluguone #krishnamraju #bhanuchander #sujatha #raogopalrao #prabhakarreddy #ultimatescenestelugu #telugumoviescenes #krishnamrajumovies #bebbuli
Casting : Krishnam Raju, Bhanu Chander, Sujatha, Prabhakar Reddy, Rao Gopal Rao, Krishna Kumari, Annapurna, Jaggayya, Rajasulochana, Balayya and others... Director: V. Madhusudhan Rao, Music director: J. V. Raghavulu, Producer: Vadde Sobhanadri.
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