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Prototype animation & easing in Adobe XD. How to add animation to your prototypes in Adobe XD. How to add easing in Adobe XD.
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#AdobeXD #Animation #Easing
Hi there! My name is Dan & I’m an Adobe Certified Instructor. I’m here to help you learn Adobe XD efficiently and comprehensively. XD is a fantastic design tool used by industry professionals to product high quality & functional mockups. By the end of this course, you will be able to produce practical and effective User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) designs.
Throughout the course I’ll invite you to participate in a real-life freelance project which I’m working on. It’s a project that requires a fresh website and mobile app interface. This will prepare you for dealing with real world projects if you choose to move towards a UX/UI career path.
This course is aimed at people interested in UI/UX Design. We’ll start from the very beginning and work all the way through, step by step. If you already have some UI/UX Design experience but want to get up to speed using Adobe XD then this course is perfect for you too!
First, we will go over the differences between UX and UI Design. We will look at what our brief for this real-world project is, then we will learn about low-fidelity wireframes and how to make use of existing UI design kits.
I’ll go over all of the essential tools necessary for creating excellent wireframes, including: type, colours, icons, Lorem ipsum, artboards, prototyping, models and popups, symbols and repeat grids. We will even make use of the new prototyping app so that you can experience your prototype on your mobile device.
An important part of maximizing your UX Design workflow is being able to utilize other software such as Photoshop and Illustrator. This is why I’ll be teaching you how to make use of both to help boost your XD productivity.
One of the awesome new features of XD is micro-interactions. I’ll be teaching you all about those and how to use them to grow icons and scenes. This is one of the parts of web design that’s growing and being adopted rapidly so you won’t want to miss out on learning it early.
There are two class projects for you to complete during this class, these will help develop your skills and will give you something for your own portfolio.
It is now time to upgrade yourself & learn Adobe XD.
Prototyping & Easing in Adobe XD
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