Giant Manta Rays Gentle Creatures everything you need to know in 3 minutes – Under Sea G – Gentle giants of the sea
On this installment of Under Sea G, we are talking about Manta Rays Fun fact When Manta Rays are born they are the size of pancakes. They live hidden in the coral for the first few months till they are big enough that most things will not eat them.
Manta-Rays are graceful giants that glide through the water with the greatest of ease. Giant Manta-Rays can grow up to 23 feet 7 meters from tip to tip. Manta-Rays live up to 50 years and start families around the age of ten. Their habitat is mainly between 20 degrees north and south of the equator. Manta Rays can swim up to 15 miles an hour, 24 Kilometers. Sometimes when you watch them glid through the water with their mouth open, they look scary. They are not. Gentle giants with lots of friends would be the way I describe them. What's the reason that the rays swim with their mouths open? Because they are eating, of course. Manta Rays are filter feeders. They open their mouths and swim. As they swim, plankton and other small sea invertebrates flow into their mouths. These animals are filtered out and eaten by the Ray. Here you see Brent swimming up behind the Manta Ray. Brent is 6 ft 2 in tall. If we use Brents's height as a measuring guild, we can extrapolate that this Manta-Ray is 11 ft tip to tip. Look at the Manta-Rays friends. These are Remora. If we count the Remora, there are 11. These guys are hanging on for a free ride and a free meal. The Remora ride on the Manta-Ray's body and eat what the Ray misses. Remora are the clean-up crew. The adult Manta-Ray only has two preditors, Large sharks and killer whales. Manta-Rays sometimes jump out of the water. We do not know why. To G, it looks like they are just having fun. If I could do that, I would be flying out of the water all of the time. Where did the Manta-Ray get their name, you may ask? Manta is Spanish for cloak. The definition of a cloak is a large blanket. Manta Rays do look like large cloaks soaring through the sea. Remember, never swim snorkel or dive alone. Never bother the wildlife and only leave footprints in the sand when you leave. I hope you learned something today and every day. Click that like button and subscribe to the channel, so you will know when we post our next episode. We will see you next time here on Under Sea G.
#shorts #short
Uncovering the Incredible Secret Life of Manta Rays
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