Pro Wrestling Fiend is a satire, parody pro wrestling entertainment channel, which may or may not use actual names often in quasi-real and/or fictitious narration. Therefore, all videos contained within are works of fiction and constitute fake news.
Pro Wrestling Fiend makes no claims to any images, text, audio, video or other material that are/is under the copyright of third parties and ownership of any third party assets are attributed to its respective owner(s).
This channel is not a source of facts or real information. That means all items or stories on this channel are
fictitious. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental or is intended purely as a satire, parody or spoof of such persons and is not intended to communicate any true or factual information about that person. KAYFABE BROTHER! This may be the LAST place where WE can keep KAYFABE alive! REMEMBER KAYFABE in the comments!!!
The UNDERTAKER Shoots Hard on The Young Bucks
JimcornettepraisesvinceRussoshootshootsdefendsrossaewwwefixfixesbrawlforallmachomanpaulheymantonykhansecretmeetingsteelingtalentcultofmeatwithextracheesericthenatureboy flairhardadamhangmanpagea.j.stylesbestevergreatesttimeshawnmichaelsrageragesbreakingglassmattriddlecharolettebiggeststarmcmhaoncontactsadvicebraywyattchrisjerichoisC.M.C.M.PUNKbobbybrainheenenrohringhonorultimatewarriordoolyandymjf brethart