#Sealife #Bangkok Ocean World | #MadameTussauds Bangkok | Showing inside and Outside | #ThailandDMC
Delivering unique, memorable and rewarding experiences to millions of visitors worldwide
The 2nd largest visitors attraction group in the world More than 111 attractions around the world 23 countries
SIAM PARAGON SHOPPING CENTER ,B1-B2 Fl 991 Rama 1 Rd , Pathumwan, Bangkok
Dive into an Amazing Underwater World
World Class aquarium located in the heart of Bangkok Cover 10,000 sqm.
Over 8,000 Amazing Creatures
14 fully themed zones
ANTARTIC ICE adventure with Penguins
Discover Thailand ‘s FIRST ever Antarctic ICE Adventure! Meet the world’s fastest swimming Penguins, the Gentoo penguins, as they dive with incredible grace right before your eyes.
See the sharks below your feet
Are you brave enough to walk over the shark-infested water ?
Feel your heart race as the majestic sand tiger sharks rule the ocean right under your feet!! Lean more about them in our Interactive Shark Mission.
Interactive experience at Rockpool
Find out how it feel to touch a sea star and other creatures in our Interactive Rockpool Experiences.
Other Programmes
With fun talk, animal feeds, special events, our Dive Adventure Trail, there ‘s plenty for everyone
Premium activities available
Glass Bottom Boat – Behind the Scenes Tour – 4D MOVIE
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