Telugu film superstar Pawan Kalyan’s entry into Andhra Pradesh politics has been spectacular. Now, for the happiness, prosperity, and welfare of the people of his state, he is performing Varahi Deeksha which started on Wednesday, June 26 and will last for 11 days. In this, he will worship Goddess Varahi Ammavari. The rules of this Varahi Deeksha are difficult to perform. Pawan Kalyan will have to perform fasting for 11 days.
Even before this, he had worshipped Goddess Varahi in June 2023, and along with that, he started the Varahi Vijaya Yatra and took initiation. Let us know what Varahi Ammavari Deeksha is. Who is Goddess Varahi? What are the benefits of taking Varahi Ammavari Deeksha?
According to religious beliefs, Goddess Varahi is one of the Matrikas, a group of seven mother goddesses in the Hindu religion. Bearing the head of a sow, Varahi is the shakti (feminine energy) of Varaha, the boar avatar of the god Vishnu. Varahi also means Goddess Earth.
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