This is a detailed, step by step, description on how to manual muscle test and lengthen Triceps by Keith Bootsma, RMT.
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Full Extension of the Arm and Forearm
Full Flexion of the Arm and Forearm
Manual Muscle Test & Lengthening - Triceps
palpationiliacbone palpationmuscle palpationmuscleanatomyphysiologyMSAKregistered massage therapistRMTacupuncturechiropractortreatmentdeltoidsupraspinatusinfraspinatusteres minorteres majorcoracobrachialisbrachialisbrachial plexusglenohumeral jointarmupper extremity palpationarm palpationshoulder jointshouldertricepsflexionextensionmedial rotationlateral rotationhorizontal adductionhorizontal abductionmanual muscle testlengthening