Elaneer Payasam, also known as Tender Coconut Kheer, is a light and refreshing dessert that originates from the southern parts of India, particularly Kerala. This delicacy is a popular choice for special occasions, including festivals like Onam, weddings, and traditional feasts. With its creamy texture and subtle sweetness, it stands out among the variety of payasams or kheers typically served in Kerala cuisine.
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#ElaneerPayasam #TenderCoconutKheer #OnamSadya #OnamRecipes #KeralaSadya #SadyaDessert #ElaneerForSadya #OnamSpecialPayasam #OnamFestivalFood #KeralaCuisine #OnamPayasam #ElaneerRecipe #TenderCoconutDessert #OnamSpecialRecipe #OnamFestivalRecipe #KeralaOnamSadya #SadyaSweet #ElaneerForOnam #OnamDessertRecipe #KeralaDessertRecipe #OnamFestivalCooking #OnamFeastRecipe #KeralaSadyaPayasam #OnamSadhyaFood #KeralaPayasamRecipe
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