We've been metal detecting for quite a long time now. Week and week, month after month, year after year; we've found some of the oldest coins and I think the coolest things possible. There are only very few coins that have remained on ALL of our bucket lists the entire time, but that comes to an end today! Now don't get me wrong, there are other coins that we haven't found, but this was all of our personal most wanted one, and when it finally comes out of the ground, there is no better feeling!
Funny story about this place too.... Doug door-knocked this old farm house well over a year ago. The farmer granted permission but with all the other places we were also going to at the time, we kinda forgot about this one. Fast forward 18 months later, our new friend Matt contacted me and invited us to join him on a hunt. He said it was an old early 1800's farmhouse with lots of property and cut to the ground soybeans in the field, which is right up our alley. When I asked him where the place was guess where it was, the same farm Doug got permission to all those months earlier. Since we forgot about the place we are deferring the permission to Matt and we joined him on what will turn out to be an unforgettable day for years to come!
Are you thinking about trying out metal detecting for yourself? Feel free to contact me directly for help choosing the right equipment and for specials on any hobby related gear and equipment.
** QuarterHoarder@yahoo.com **
Warman's wheat cent book still available for only $5 on Amazon. It holds every year wheat penny and mint mark and makes a great way to keep your collection organized.
[ Ссылка ]
Detecting gear used this hunt: (some are affiliate links):
Metal Detectors:
1. Equinox 800 - [ Ссылка ]
2. Nokta Makro Anfibio - [ Ссылка ]
with AF35 (13.5"x13" Large coil) - [ Ссылка ]
3. Simplex+ - [ Ссылка ]
Custom Carbon Fiber Detecting Rods:
Steve's Detector Rods - [ Ссылка ]
Mention "Quarter Hoarder" or "PA Pirate Paul" and get 10% off!
Garrett Pro Pointer II (Black) - [ Ссылка ]
Garrett AT Pro Pointer (Orange - Waterproof) - [ Ссылка ]
Nokta Makro Pulsedive - [ Ссылка ]
Digging Tools:
Small Hand Diggers:
Lesche Small Hand Digger - [ Ссылка ]
GraveDigger Sidekick - [ Ссылка ]
Long Handle Shovels:
Predator Tools "Pirahna" (40" long) - [ Ссылка ]
Grave Digger "Tombstone" (36" long) - [ Ссылка ]
Intro songs by:
Huma-Huma - "It's All Happening"
Jingle Punks "O Chanukah" (Instrumental)
#MetalDetecting #Treasure #QuarterHoarder #Love #History #Finds #Silver #Coins
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