Service of Witness to the Resurrection
Celebrating the Life of
Dr Richard Harvey Martin
August 27, 1932 - September 29, 2022
Copyright Notation:
All music and multimedia used in the services of worship of the First Presbyterian Church of Columbia, Missouri is reprinted, streamed, and otherwise distributed with permission under one or more of the following:
CCLI Copyright License #2862965; CCLI Streaming License CSPL117121; One License #A-740732; or Public Domain permissions.
Every effort has been made to identify and credit owners and holders of each copyright represented in the printed materials for this service of worship and shared on this streamed broadcast of the same. If any rights have been inadvertently infringed upon, the representatives of First Presbyterian Church of Columbia, Missouri asks that the omission be excused and agrees to make necessary corrections in any recordings and future use.
soli deo gloria.
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