Introduced on 1-April-1998, completed 19 years of service to Indian Railways, also recognized as the longest running Rajdhani Express covering 2844 Kms in between Thiruvananthapuram Central/TVC in Kerala and Hazrat Nizamuddin/NZM. Thiruvananthapuram Rajdhani Express also has record of longest non-stop run of 527.3 Kms in between Kota Junction & Vadodara Junction. Seen here is strange honker Twin ALCo in form of Erode (ED) WDM-3A # 16507 & 16850 towing Nizamuddin bound, 12431 Thiruvananthapuram Rajdhani Express. Notice last EOG which was of Incredible Indian Railways coach composition. Train was captured at Palghar, wherein it was on its long run from Vasai Road to Vadodara Junction covering 344 Kms in just 4 hours and 21 minutes. Post this, it will have it long run again for 6 Hours 16 minutes to cover 527 Kms and then again for 5 Hours 50 minutes to cover 458 Kms.
Date & Time: 11-Mar-17, 20:20
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