If you’ve ever felt nervous about whether this way of eating can be good for you, consider listening to this reading of Fat of the Land by Vilhjalmar Stefansson. Some of your favorite YouTube Carnivores collaborated to record each chapter of this seminal book which documents Stefansson’s experiences living with the Inuit of the arctic circle in the early part of the 20th century. Stefansson describes in great detail the traditional diet of the Inuit and his own experience transitioning from the usual European rations to eating locally. Not only is it refreshing to hear his challenges and ultimate success, but also to hear the Inuit recommendations on fixing these challenges. A healthy population that has been eating this way for many many generations has much wisdom to share about reaching optimal health.
The Fat of the Land has been reprinted for Kindle and of course there is the free pdf that anyone can download, but if you find it difficult to read in that format, then this recording is for you! Please share widely the playlist link and check out all of our YouTube channels, we carnivores are a pretty diverse and fascinating bunch! Also note this book was written in the 1950s so some of the language/concepts are dated and not what we’d expect to hear today. Despite that, this book holds great value in the first hand, highly descriptive account of Inuit customs and practices. As always, take what is helpful to you and leave the rest.
Special Thanks to:
Caitlan Weeks aka Grass fed Girl
Ede Fox aka The Black Carnivore
Thomas Clark aka thomasalanclark
Dr. Lisa Wiedeman aka Carnivore Doctor
Dr. Shawn Baker
Michael Anthony aka Meat0sis
Emily M. aka Center of Brilliance
Bart Kay aka Nutrition Science Watchdog
Travis Statham aka Carniway
Jill Samter
Justin G. aka Alloutlife.carnivore
Raymond Nazon
Fat of the Land Playlist:
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Free PDF of The Fat of the Land
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#Carnivorediet #FatoftheLand #vilhjalmurstefansson
Fat of the Land – Chapter 2
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