Stellenbosch University (SU) will award 3 350 qualifications during its March 2021 hybrid graduation ceremonies, which is a remarkable feat given the unprecedented challenges students had to face last year.
Rector and Vice-Chancellor of SU, Prof Wim de Villiers, commended the graduating class for their achievements during a year that “will not be easily forgotten" and will rightly be remembered as an extremely challenging time.
“The comprehensive plans our University had at the start of the year were swiftly scaled down to only two overall objectives: ensuring that our students could complete their academic year and that our institution remained sustainable for future intakes. I believe we have succeeded in this," said De Villiers.
“When face-to-face tuition was suspended on campuses nationwide in March 2020, we rapidly switched to online emergency remote teaching, learning and assessment. While there were some glitches, most were soon resolved. This was made possible by the hard work and sacrifices of our staff (both academic and support services) and students, to whom we are deeply grateful."
De Villiers said the time spent at SU has prepared the graduating class to lead and excel in a diverse world, thanks to an environment that enabled each one to have a transformative student experience.
“ I hope that the lessons you learnt here will stand you in good stead, and that you will continue to live by SU’s values – excellence, compassion, equity, respect and accountability.
“SU will always remain your academic home. Please visit our alumni platform, It allows you to stay in touch with your university friends, view job offers as well as find mentors and networking opportunities – all in one spot. Studies have shown that engagement in strong alumni networks holds significant benefits, not least for professional development. Do stay connected to the Matie family to advance your career.”
Die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) ken aanstaande week altesame 3 350 kwalifikasies toe by sy Maart 2021-hibridiese gradeplegtighede, wat 'n merkwaardige prestasie is gegewe die ongekende uitdagings wat studente verlede jaar in die gesig moes staar.
Die US se Rektor en Visekanselier, prof Wim de Villiers, het die graduerende klas geloof vir hul prestasies in 'n jaar “wat nie maklik vergeet sal word nie" en wat tereg as 'n uiters uitdagende tyd onthou sal word.
“Al die planne wat ons as Universiteit aan die begin van 2020 gehad het, is vinnig afgeskaal tot slegs twee oorhoofse oogmerke: om te sorg dat ons studente hul akademiese jaar kan voltooi en dat ons as instelling volhoubaar bly vir toekomstige innames. Ek dink ons het hierin geslaag," sê De Villiers.
“Toe kontakonderrig in Maart 2020 op alle kampusse landswyd opgeskort is, het ons blitsvinnig na aanlyn noodafstandsonderrig, -leer en -assessering oorgeslaan. Daar was wel haakplekke, maar die meeste is weldra uitgestryk. Dankie aan ons personeel (akademies én steundienste) en studente vir al die harde werk en opofferings wat dít moontlik gemaak het.”
De Villiers het gesê die tyd wat die studente by die US spandeer het, hulle voorberei om leiding te neem en uit te blink in ʼn diverse wêreld, danksy ʼn omgewing waarin hulle ʼn transformerende studente-ervaring kon hê.
“Mag julle wat julle hier geleer het met vrug toepas, en mag die US se waardes – uitnemendheid, deernis, billikheid, respek en verantwoordbaarheid – jul rigsnoer bly.
“Die US sal altyd jou akademiese tuiste bly. Besoek gerus ons alumniplatform, Daar kan jy kontak met jou universiteitsvriende behou, na werksaanbiedinge kyk sowel as mentors en netwerkgeleenthede kry – alles op een plek. Studies dui daarop dat betrokkenheid by sterk alumninetwerke heelwat voordele inhou, veral vir beroepsontwikkeling. Bly deel van die Matie-familie om jou loopbaan te bevorder.”
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