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Dental Considerations for Adrenal Insufficiency I Steroid Supplementation I
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1) Medical Emergencies in Dental Clinic
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2)Odontogenic Keratocyst - Oral Pathology
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3) Squamous Cell Carcinoma:
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4) Tumor of Nose and Para Nasal Sinuses
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5) Oral Manifestation of Metabolic Disorders - Carbohydrates
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6) Acute and Chronic Sinusitis - ENT
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7) Preventive Resins Restorations
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8) Streptococcus Mutans and Dental Caries
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9) Development of Palate and It's Blood Supply
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10) Topical Fluorides
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11) Muscles of Mastication
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12) Sinusitis
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14) Lichen Planus - White and Red Lesions of Oral Mucosa - Oral Pathology:
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15) Leukoedema - White and Red Lesions of Oral Mucosa - Oral Pathology: [ Ссылка ]
16) Leukoplakia - White and Red Lesions of Oral Mucosa - Oral Pathology: [ Ссылка ]
17) Mucocele - Oral Medicine and Radiology :
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18) Tastebuds and Taste Pathway:
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20) Tobacco and it's Effects on Oral Cavity:
[ Ссылка ]
21) Vitamin A - Synthesis, Regulation, Functions, Deficiency and hypervitaminosis:
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22).Dental Caries
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23)) Medical Emergencies in Dental Clinic
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24) Aphthous Ulcer - Oral Medicine and Radiology
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25) Odontogenic Keratocyst - Oral Pathology
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26) Development of Mandible & Its Blood Supply
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27) Hypomineralized Structure of Dentin
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28) Dentinogenesis - Formation of Dentin on Tooth - Oral Pathology
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29) Amelogenesis - Formation of Enamel on Tooth - Oral Pathology
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