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ADC, AP, AD, CC, DPS, Gank, Jungler, Meta, Poke, Engage, Disengage, Splitpush, Baron, Dragon, Rift Herald, Lane, Farm, Last Hit, CS, Summoner Spell, Flash, Ignite, Heal, Exhaust, Smite, Teleport, Snowball, Scaling, Roaming, Vision, Ward, Control Ward, Skillshot, AoE, Crowd Control, Knockup, Silence, Slow, Root, Stun, Shield, Sustain, Item Build, Power Spike, Level Advantage, Gold Advantage, Map Awareness, Objective Control, Zoning, Peel, Reset, Burst, Outplay, Counterpick, Draft, Banning Phase, Win Condition, Teamfight, Positioning, Macro, Micro, Rotation, Kiting, Trading, Tower Dive, Freeze, Push, Overextend, Tilt, FF, Baron Power Play, Solo Queue, Duo Queue, Ranked, Smurf, Elo, MMR, Tilt-proof, Shotcaller, Faker, Uzi, Rekkles, Bjergsen, Knight, Chovy, Doinb, Viper, Armut, HolyPhoenix, Luden's Tempest, Kraken Slayer, Infinity Edge, Liandry's Anguish, Galeforce, Zhonya's Hourglass, Death's Dance, Maw of Malmortius, Eclipse, Randuin's Omen, Thornmail, Bloodthirster, Void Staff, Serpent's Fang, Guardian Angel, Everfrost.
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