Team 4903 (Vincent Massey Secondary School Robotics Team) at the Windsor Essex Great Lakes Robotics Competition.
We played a game called Ariel Assist, played by passing to teammates and scoring on the goals. More passes, more points!
We made the robot that blocks the balls from the high goal and the low goal. We had a great time at the Regional's and look forward to going next year!
Thank You to all the Sponsors, Mentors, Parents, Teammates and all the people who made this happen!
Made By: Gurvir Chana
Team 4903, VMSS Robotics at the Robotics Competition
Robotics (Invention)FirstTeamRobot Competition (Recurring Event)PerformanceWindsor (City/Town/Village)essextechnologyteam772sandwichsecondaryvincent massey secondary schoolmustangesmustangsblockgoaliebotrobotamericast.louiswilliamMorgan Freeman (Theater Actor)United States Of America (Country)First CanadaFRCPhysicsschoolcomputer sciencevaliantcenterlinest.clair collegeuofwuniversitysabre bytesmavericksautonomousvmmsrobotics4903