Inspired by the global bestselling video game series Zombie Army, this brand new short animation sees Shola on a mission to destroy a beacon summoning hordes of Nazi zombies.
Daughter of a Nigerian barrister and educated in the UK, Shola volunteered in a munitions factory at the outbreak of the second world war, but when the undead turned the conflict into a battle between the living and the undead, she was assigned to the Italian campaign where she joined an unlikely band of misfit warriors. In this new mission, Shola is vastly outnumbered and her survival is far from guaranteed…
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#RebellionFilmTV #Animation #LegionOfTheDead
Zombie Army: Legion of the Dead
RebellionRebellion DevelopmentsGamingGamesVideo Gamerebellion filmrebellion film tvrebellion tvrebellion film and tvrebellion studiosrebellion vfxvfxzombie armyzombie army animationrebellion zombie filmrebellion zombie animationzombie army animation shortzombie army animatedzombielegion of the deadzombie army legion of the deadzombie army shortzombie shortshort animationanimated short