2016 has been characterised by some significant events, the long-term impacts of which are still uncertain. But what we do know is that there remains a critical challenge for us in improving the lives of those living in poverty: from life-saving responses in humanitarian emergencies; to supporting individuals and communities to find work and build livelihoods; to challenging the systems and structures that keep people poor and drive inequality.
Over the last year Oxfam, working closely with local, national and global partners, has been at the forefront of enabling positive change – thanks to the commitment and generosity of supporters like you. Bringing hope to some of the bleakest situations, empowering women and men to create their own futures, and holding governments to account for the decisions that affect the most vulnerable.
Thank you for your support this year. Thank you for playing a part in improving the lives of millions of women, men and children around the world. And thank you for continuing to believe in a world without poverty.
Where did your help go in 2016? | Oxfam GB
oxfampovertygbfilmcharityngoItalyItaly oxfamItaly mediterraneanSicilyEllie farmer OxfamMark Goldring OxfamIraq Mosul OxfamMosulrefugee camp mosulTigris RiverGreek IslandLesbosGreece OxfamGreece Refugee OxfamKara Tepe CampHassansham campAmy Christian OxfamOxfam IraqOxfam workOxfam water refugeeOxfam Wash refugeeEthiopia Oxfam waterHaiti Oxfam workRwandaRwanda oxfam workMosul battlerefugee crisisiraq war2016 review