何人かの方からリクエスト頂いていたのと、ツテでWashburnのNUNOモデルを借りることができたので、EXTREMEを弾いてみました。聴いてる時はノリのいい爽やかなハードロックでしたが、弾いてみたら難しい難しい…(;´Д`) リズミカルなフレーズが多く、ノリを出すのが大変です。キレを出すために、気持ち歪みは下げ、その代わり普段より強めにピッキングして弾くと、余計な音が出たりミュートできてなかったりなど、けっこうノイズが入りましたm(_ _)m
使用機材:NUX MG-300、Limetone Audio FOCUS-NX
I had a request from several people, and I was able to borrow Washburn's NUNO model through connections, so I tried to play EXTREME. When I listened to it, it sounded like a lively and refreshing hard rock, but when I tried playing it, it was hard and hard...(;´Д`) There are many rhythmic phrases, and it is hard to get the groove going. To bring out the sharpness, I lowered the distortion a little, but instead, when I played with a stronger picking than usual, there was quite a bit of noise, such as extra sounds coming out or not being muted. m(_ _)m
Equipment:NUX MG-300、Limetone Audio FOCUS-NX
#EXTREME #DecadenceDance #nunobettencourt #弾いてみた
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