It's a recap of best games showed on Sony, Microsoft press conferences and Nintendo Direct E3. But this movie it's not all about games. In funny way it's showing how and why Microsoft abandoned all ideas of Xbox One (DRM, required online check-in and used games policy).
BTW: This year's E3, in my opinion, it was all about new generation (PS4, Xbox One, Wii U). Sorry for lack of titles from other platforms. And other publishers (yeah, i think that The Division it's awesome, too!). Maybe next time?
Games list:
Minecraft: Xbox One Edition -- Xbox One
Ryse: Son of Rome -- Xbox One
Killer Instinct -- Xbox One
Sunset Overdrive -- Xbox One
Forza Motorsport 5 -- Xbox One
Quantum Break -- Xbox One
Dead Rising 3 -- Xbox One
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt -- PC, PS4, Xbox One
Project Spark -- Xbox One
Halo -- Xbox One
Titanfall -- PC, Xbox 360, Xbox One
Crimson Dragon -- Xbox One
South Park: The Stick of Thruth -- PC, PS3, Xbox 360
DriveClub -- PS4
Knack -- PS4
inFamous: Second Son -- PS4
Killzone: Shadow Fall -- PS4
Final Fantasy XV -- PS4, Xbox One
Mad Max -- PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One
The Dark Sorcerer - PS4 tech demo
The Order: 1886 -- PS4
The Elder Scrolls Online -- PC, PS4, Xbox One
Destiny -- PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag -- PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii U
Super Mario 3D World -- Wii U
Mario Kart 8 -- Wii U
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze -- Wii U
The Wonderful 101 -- Wii U
Bayonetta 2 -- Wii U
X from Monolith Soft -- Wii U
Original materials from montage:
HOT GIRLS AT E3 2013! Day 490
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Xbox One Reveal 2013 Highlights
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Only on Xbox
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E3- Booth Babes & Gamer Girls -- E3M13
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Every Sony mascot from E3 2013
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Sony E3 2013 conference recap - Sony trolls Microsoft in shocking E3 presentation
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Microsoft Xbox Executive Don Mattrick Response to PS4 Xbox One Bashing E3 2013
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E3 2013 | Xbox One vs. Playstation 4 PRICE
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Official PlayStation Used Game Instructional Video
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Grandma Angry At XBox One Even After Policy Change
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Presenting the Xbox One
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Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer headbanging to EPIC SAX GUY
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