Leonardo DiCaprio tries to fit in with the crowd for a low-key appearance at Art Basel during Miami's Art Week festivities. The actor was seen skillfully flying under the radar, sporting a black face mask and a matching Dodgers baseball cap. Engaging in conversation with a friend at the event, DiCaprio seemed to relish the opportunity to explore the world of art while maintaining a discreet presence, allowing the focus to remain on the vibrant artistic offerings of Art Basel. After spotting a camera, he kindly asks the videographer to refrain from filming.
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#Shorts #LeonardoDiCaprio
Leonardo DiCaprio Politely Tells Woman To Stop Filming
Leonardo DiCaprioArt BaselMiamiBaseball CapDodgersArt WeekLeo DiCaprioDicaprio Dodgers Capleonardo dicaprio parties in miamileonardo dicaprio partiesleo parties in miamileonardo dicaprio partieshortsleonardo di caprio art baselleonardodicaprioleo parties with modelsleodicaprioart basel miamidicaprioentertainmententertainment newscelebrity newscelebrity gossipcaught on cameraceleb newspage six stylegigi hadid