Mordenkainen's Monsters of the Multiverse, a clear rip-off title from Disney's Marvel's Multiverse of Madness, seems to have something going on inside it. Rey Winniger and Jeremy Crawford don't seem to get along in their ideas of how D&D should be designed since Rey replaced Mike Mearls, the power vacuum has been clear to many. Could this be coming out in the books, just in time for Chris Cocks to leave as CEO of Wizards of the Coast to become CEO of HASBRO?
Do any of the other names listed on that page have anything to do with it? Greg Tito and Shelly Mazzanoble as staples of the Twitch mentality of gaming, Brandy Camel as a new face and involved in other recent books that have lead people to question what are they even doing with D&D anymore?
Why does this book even have a disclaimer? Is it mocking Justin LaNasa, Ernie Gygax Jr, Jim Ward and others? Who leaked this to Ted, was it a disgruntled WotC employee that doesn't like the direction the book or Dungeons & Dragons is going?
#DnD #WotC #HASBRO #Mordenkainen #MikeMearls #ReyWinniger #JeremyCrawford #GregTito #BrandyCamel #ShellyMazzanoble #ttrpg #rpg #DungeonsandDragons #Tasha #WizardsoftheCoast #ChrisCocks #JustinLaNasa
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