Swami Rama was a yogi who claimed to have superpowers, including the ability to levitate, control the weather, and read minds. He was born in India in 1925 and spent many years in the Himalayas, meditating and practicing yoga. His powers were put to the test on numerous occasions, and he was always able to demonstrate them.
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Swami Rama: The Yogi with Superpowers
swami rama meditationswami rama storyyogaswamiramasuperpowersmindfulnessmeditationspiritualityyogishinduismindialevitationmindcontrolweathercontrolreadingmindshermitgurumountainshimalayasmeditationbenefitsyogabenefitsspiritualawakeningselfimprovementpersonalgrowthmindfulnessmeditationyogaforbeginnersyogaforstressreliefyogaforhealthyogaforweightloss