Congress leader Digvijay Singh on Monday (July 8) stoked a fresh controversy with his remarks that the serial blasts at Bodhgaya happened a day after Narendra Modi asked BJP workers to teach a lesson to Nitish Kumar and Amit Shah visited Ayodhya. Congress sought to wriggle out of the controversy saying all five posts of Singh on Twitter need to be understood in entirety and no one should politicise the bomb blast issue while BJP took strong objection to his tweets saying it appears "he has lost his balance."
In a debate moderated by TIMES NOW's Editor-in-Chief Arnab Goswami, panelists -- Ravi Shankar Prasad, Deputy Leader of Opposition, Rajya Sabha; Dr. Abhishek Manu Singhvi, Spokesperson and MP, Rajya Sabha, Congress; Dr. Manoj Jha, Spokesperson, RJD and Pavan Verma, Advisor to CM, Bihar -- discuss whether, politicians on both sides stop the instant politicisation of terror?
Click to Watch:
The Newshour Debate: Aim to polarise? (Part 1)
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The Newshour Debate: Aim to polarise? (Part 2)
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The Newshour Debate: Aim to polarise? (Part 3)
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The Newshour Debate: Aim to polarise? (Part 4)
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