#tumisdagingsapiempuk #beefstirfryrecipe #indoculinairehunter
Hari ini saya membagikan trik tumis daging sapi super empuk ala restaurant. How to make beef stir fry super tender is very easy. Cara memasak daging sapi tumis yang super empuk ala restoran sangat mudah. Tumis daging sapi ala restoran ini adalah menu favorit di Chinese Restaurant atau restoran bintang lima. Tumis sapi super empuk ini biasanya disebut juga daging sapi lada hitam atau beef in black pepper Chinese style. Tumis daging sapi ala restoran ini rasanya enak banget, gurih, wangi dan dagingnya dijamin empuk banget.
Silahkan dicoba resepnya, like, share, komen dan subscribe supaya channel ini terus berkembang dan saya tambah semangat untuk terus memasak membagikan resep-resep yang InsayaAlloh bermanfaat untuk kita semuanya, amiinn.. Salam sehat selalu.
Daging sapi has dalam 1 kg
Bawang bombay besar 1 buah
Bawang putih 5 siung
Cabe merah besar 4 buah
Jahe 4 cm
Paprika 1 buah
Brokoli 250 gram
Jamur 250 gram
Merica / lada hitam 1/2 sendok makan
Daun bawang 4 batang
Telur 1 butir
Gula pasir 1/2 sendok makan
Tepung maizena 3 sendok makan
Kecap asin 5 sendik makan
Saos tiram 4 sendok makan
Minyak goreng secukupnya
Larutan tepung maizena 100 cc
Air secukupnya
Today, I will share the super tender beef stir fry trick in a restaurant style. How to make beef stir fry super tender is very easy. How to cook super tender stir-fried beef in a restaurant style is very easy. This restaurant-style beef stir fry is a favorite menu at Chinese restaurants or five-star restaurants. This super tender beef stir fry is usually called black pepper beef or beef in black pepper Chinese style. This restaurant-style beef stir-fry tastes really good, savory, fragrant and the meat is guaranteed to be very tender.
Please try the recipe, like, share, comment and subscribe so that this channel continues to grow and I am even more excited to continue cooking, sharing recipes that God willing, will be useful for all of us, amen... Healthy greetings always.
Beef hash in 1 kg
1 large onion
Garlic 5 cloves
4 large red chilies
Ginger 4 cm
Peppers 1 piece
Broccoli 250 grams
Mushrooms 250 grams
Pepper / black pepper 1/2 tablespoon
Leeks 4 stalks
1 egg
Sugar 1/2 tablespoon
Corn flour 3 tablespoons
Soy sauce 5 tablespoons
Oyster sauce 4 tablespoons
Right amount of oil
Cornstarch solution 100 cc
Enough water
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