Pengelolaan Tasmbak pada Budidaya Lele :- Lele dapat dipelihara baik di tambak baru maupun lama. Namun pemeliharaan ternak di tambak lama lebin baik dari tambak baru.. Bibit Lele (minnow) dan Kepadatannya di dalam Kolam : Pilih bibit lele (minnow) berkualitas tinggi berukuran 2s/d3 inchi dari tempat pembenihan ikan. Benar! Ikan Besar di Kolam Budidaya Nasional...
W A R N I N G S: Beberapa komunitas memerlukan izin khusus untuk memproduksi ikan lele yang dibudidayakan. Periksa dengan dewan lisensi lokal Anda sebelum memulai proyek Anda.
Pond Management in Catfish Farming : Catfish can be raised in both new and old ponds. However, raising of catfish in the old pond is better than new pond.. Catfish Fingerlings (minnow) and their Density in Pond: Select high quality catfish seedlings minnow of 2 to 3 inch size from the fish hatchery.
W A R N I N G S: Some communities require special permits to produce farmed catfish. Check with your local licensing board before starting your project.
Business Disclaimer : This video on this channel are non promotional. This video is created only to provide education and information purpose. This channel is not responsible for any profit or loss in any kind of business. Its all depend on business strategy and your hard work. If you deals or purchase anything will be at your own risk. You must research yourself before start any type of business.
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