Nastran In-CAD offers a comprehensive set of tools for FEA analysis directly inside of the Autodesk Inventor software. Its intuitive, user-friendly and backed up with the Nastran solver at an affordable cost. Nastran In-CAD offers capabilities such as:
- Assemblies – bolted connections, sliding interfaces, friction
- Time – Transient dynamic loads, vibration, fatigue, and shock
- Temperature – Consider the effects of heat. Solve for temps, head loads, resulting thermal expansion and thermal stresses
- Non-Linear – Go beyond Linear Analysis - large displacement effects, nonlinear (flexible) materials, buckling
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Autodesk Nastran In CAD
Autodesk (Award Winner)Computer Aided Design (Software Genre)Software (Industry)Autodesk NastranNastran In-CADFEA analysisAutodesk Inventor (Software)assembliesbolted connectionssliding interfacestransient dynamic toolsthermal expansionthermal stresseslinear analysisnon linearmaterialstutorialdemoTechnologydesign