In a world where 4% of the population is born with varying supernatural abilities, a desperate young man possessing special powers clashes with a militarized police force after committing a series of crimes. Based on the short film.
Starring: Stephen Amell & Robbie Amell
Directed by: Jeff Chan
In Select Theaters & On-Demand 12/13/19.
Code 8 | Official Trailer (HD) | Vertical Entertainment
Stephen amellStephen amell movieStephen smell actionStephen amell trailerStephen Amell new movieRobbie AmellRobbie Amell trailerRobbie amell new movieStephen amell sci fiVertical Entertainmentnew sci fi moviesci fi movie 2019Stephen amell movie 2019Amell brothersStephen amell sci fi movierobbie amell sci fi trailerrobbie amell superpowersproject code 8code 8 official trailercode 8 traileremily bett rickardsCode 8green arrow